Friday, June 28, 2024

Interdimensional Zoomies - Issue #5

Why do dogs randomly lose their marbles and run a hundred miles an hour in a circle? I was watching my absolute spazz of a pup do this, and was inspired to write perhaps the silliest CC issue yet. Check it out if your group gets all sappy over cute lil animals. 

Download issue #5 and all others here: Cursory Crusades Collection

All is free and always will be. 

Happy gaming, I guess. Feedback is always welcome. Let me hear about your game! Especially if one of these adventures results in a TPK.

Good luck,

Spastic Storyteller

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Restructuring (Updated)

Restructured. For your viewing pleasure: Cursory Crusades Collection

Feedback is always welcome, and only sometimes ignored. 

Okay, the more I perseverate on this, the more I feel a restructure is necessary. So now, instead of the way I've been releasing "issues" (the printable/foldable layout), I will instead release them in an easier-to-view pdf with the option of downloading and printing the foldable layout. There's two reasons for this: Reason 1, I didn't like the longform Google Doc that I was using to compile all of them; Reason 2, I feel as though only sharing the foldable printable version limits an audience. Should I care? Idk, but I guess I do. 

All will be free as always. 

Check back soon for more updates. 


The Scrutinizing Storyteller

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Forest - Issue #4

 "Come closer and see

See into the trees

Find the girl

While you can

Come closer and see

See into the dark

Just follow your eyes

Just follow your eyes

I hear her voice

Calling my name

The sound is deep

In the dark

I hear her voice

And start to run

Into the trees

Into the trees

Into the trees

Suddenly I stop

But I know it's too late

I'm lost in a forest

All alone

The girl was never there

It's always the same

I'm running towards nothing

Again and again and again and again..."

Download the PDF here: Cursory Crusades #4

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cursory Crusades Collection Folder (Updated again)

Checking back? Awesome! Here's the link to the folder with every issue I've released thus far, in both Zine/Print version (aka the foldable layout) and a readable PDF for those of you who are digitized. Thank you for your patience and support...

Find the Collections folder here: Cursory Crusades Collection